Why is my intimate area itchy?

Vulvar itching, also known as vulvar pruritus, may affect as many as 1 in 5 women. Its true prevalence is not easy to assess, as many women feel embarrassed to talk about it. This itching affects the quality of life and impacts personal and sexual relationships, physical activity, quality of sleep, and even self-esteem. There […]

Hyperhidrosis treatments

Do you sweat excessively, even in Winter and when you are not exercising? Does sweating hinder your daily tasks? If hyperhidrosis bothers you, don’t worry; excessive sweating can be treated. First, it is essential that if you suspect you may suffer from it, you consult with a health professional to get a proper diagnosis and […]

6 tips for skin care during cancer treatment

Cancer is a complex and multifaceted disease that manifests when the body’s cells grow uncontrollably, invading and damaging healthy tissues.  Data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that the number of diagnoses will rise to 28 million worldwide in the next two decades.   Fortunately, numerous treatments are helping to boost […]

Are food allergies and atopic dermatitis related?

Atopic dermatitis (AD) affects more than 230 million people worldwide. With an increasing global prevalence, up to 20% of children and 10% of adults suffer from atopic dermatitis in developed countries. 1   Atopic dermatitis is often associated with other diseases like rhinitis, food allergies, or asthma. Why is this so? Is it always the […]

Hyperhidrosis: beyond excessive sweat production

Do you sweat excessively, even in winter? Do you sweat even when you are not exercising? Does sweating hinder your daily tasks? Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is excessive sweat production beyond what is necessary to regulate body temperature. This chronic condition affects around 3 % of the general population, reaching values up to 12 % […]

Active ingredients for sensitive skin

When it comes to sensitive skin care, choosing products with suitable active ingredients is essential. An active ingredient is a substance that has a specific effect on the skin and has been carefully formulated to provide particular benefits. What are the most effective and respectful active ingredients for this type of skin? Keep reading to […]

<strong>Intimate care tips every woman should know about</strong>

The intimate area’s health is an important issue for all women. Although it can often be taboo, staying informed about proper care of the intimate area is essential to prevent possible complications. The female genital area is delicate and requires special attention to avoid infections, irritations, and other related problems. This article will detail the […]

<strong>Atopic dermatitis and sweat</strong>

Now that the good weather and the warmer months are upon us, sweating is becoming a constant in our daily lives. Although its presence may be uncomfortable, its production is necessary to keep our skin hydrated and control body temperature. If we have healthy skin and an average sweat production level, it should not cause […]

Lymphedema: what it is and how to manage its symptoms.

Did you know that World Lymphedema Day was celebrated on March 6th? Perhaps this term is unfamiliar to you, and right now, you are probably wondering: what is lymphedema? Why is there a day dedicated to its awareness? Trying to give visibility to the side effects of cancer and its treatment, today we will talk […]

Gut microbiota: the ally against atopic dermatitis

You have probably often heard the term “intestinal flora” or “intestinal microbiota”. The alteration of the bacteria that are part of our microbiota has been associated with different diseases. Strange as it may seem, this alteration can even damage our skin. One of these skin affections is atopic dermatitis. As you may remember from previous […]